Cross-cutting topics
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Energy transition, an element of industrial development and employment
organized by Coordinamento FREE
Accelerating sustainable electrification: the key to economic and social development on the African continent
organized by RES4Africa Foundation
Analysis of possible trajectories for the energy transition in Sardinia
organized by Coordinamento Free
Renewable Energy Communities (RECs): the new opportunities for territory.
organized by GSE – Gestore Servizi Energetici
Labyrinth 2.0 - the regulatory framework for electricity sector transition
organized by Elettricità Futura
Scacco Matto alle Rinnovabili 2025
organized by Legambiente
The first database with all data from Italian regions on climate and transition
organized by Italy for Climate
Nuclear: can it be a challenge for the future in Italy? Comparing technological and economic perspectives
organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee
Sustainable AgriVoltaic: agriVoltaic design, environment and landscape. First Session.
organized by ENEA - Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources
Financing the Energy Transition: Innovative Tools for Renewable Development
organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee, in collaboration with Renewable Matter
Financing the Energy Transition: Innovative Tools for Renewable Development - ENGLISH LANGUAGE SESSION
organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee, in collaboration with Renewable Matter
Sustainable agri-voltaics: innovations to serve agri-voltaics. Second Session.
organized by AIAS - Italian Sustainable Agrivoltaic Association
The missing link: circular economy for the energy transition
organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee, in cooperation with Ecomondo and Materia Rinnovabile
European directives and the role of local one-stop shops for the energy requalification of buildings
organized by ENEA - Energy Efficiency Unit Department
Strategic renewable supply chains, national potential, and prospects for technology and component manufacturing in Italy
organized by H2IT, ANIE, Italia Solare, ANEV
The missing link: circular economy for the energy transition - ENGLISH LANGUAGE SESSION
organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee, in cooperation with Ecomondo and Materia Rinnovabile
Agriculture within advanced agri-voltaics
organized by Master AREA Ridef
False myths about renewables: “a lie travels around the world three times before the truth has a chance to put its pants on”
organized by Italy for Climate
Advanced Materials for Energy: From Lab to Market, What Opportunities through IPCEI on Circular Advance Materials for Clean Technologies?
organized by ENEA - Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources