- Agenzie Dogane e Monopoli
- Agroenergia
- ANIE Energia
- ANIE Rinnovabili
- AzzeroCO2
- Chimica Magazine
- Comune di Rimini
- Confagricoltura
- Consorzio Italiano Bio Gas
- E-gazette
- Elettricità Futura
- Green Building Council Italia
- InfobuildEnergia
- ISES Italia
- Italia Solare
- Kyoto Club
- QualEnergia
- Regione Emilia Romagna
- Tekneco
- Sharing Mobillity
- Algeria, CDER - Renewable Energy Development Centre
- Armenia, Renewable Resources and Energy Efficiency Fund
- Bulgaria, BBAEII - Bulgarian Branch Association of Electronic Industry and Informatics
- Bulgaria, Solar Accademy
- Chile, Cámara de Comercio Italiana en Chile
- Croatia, Chamber of Economy
- Croatia, Inteligentia Energij
- Czech Republic, Solární Asociace
- Egypt, CEDARE - Centre For Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe
- Egypt, Environmental Compliance and Sustainable Development Office ECO FEI
- Egypt, RCREEE - Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
- Europe, E-Mobility Europe
- Europe, EASE - The European Association for Storage of Energy
- Europe, SmartEN - Smart Energy Europe
- Finland- Renewables Finland Association
- Finland- Solar Energy
- France, Business France
- Georgia, Association of Young Professionals in Energy
- Greece, Paseppe
- Hungary, HAEE - Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises
- Hungary, Hungarian National Association of Machinery and Power Engineering Industries
- Hungary, Jövő - Future Mobility Association
- Hungary, MNNSZ - Hungarian Photovoltaic and Solar Collector Association
- Iraq, Iraqi Federation of Industies
- Ivory Coast, Association des Professionnels des Energies Renouvelables de Cote d’Ivoire
- Jordan, ACI - Amman Chamber of Industry
- Kazakhstan, Qazaq Green Renewable Energy Association
- Kazakhstan, Waste Management Association “Legal Entities Association”
- Kyrgystan, Small Hydropower Plants
- Lithuania, Energy Institute
- Lithuania, Solar Energy Association
- Moldova, EBA - European Business Association
- Moldova, Training and Consulting Center E-CIRCULAR
- Morocco, Cluster EnR
- Morocco, Cluster H2
- Morocco, Iresen
- Nigeria, African Sustainable Energy Association
- North Macedonia, Macedonian Solar Energy Association
- Panama, Cámara de Comercio Italiana de Panama
- Senegal, Agence Nationale pour les Energies Renouvelables
- Serbia, Serbian Chamber of Commerce
- Serbia, Serbian parking Association
- South Africa, SAPVIA - The South African Photovoltaic Industry Association
- Tunisia, CSPV - Chambre Syndicale du Photovoltaïque
- Tunisia, STEG Energies Renouvelables
- Turkey, ENSIA - Association of Energy Industrialists and Businessmen
- UK, Energy Industries Council
- UK, IOM3 - Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining
- Ukraine, All-Ukrainian public organization of nature protection Zhiva Planeta
- Ukraine, European-Ukrainian Energy Agency
- Ukraine, European Business Association
- Ukraine, PAEW - Professional Association Of Environmentalists Of The World
- Ukraine, Ukrainian Ecological Alliance
- Uzbekistan, Chamber of Commerce