Online Ticket
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 14:15 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi 1 Room, South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by KEY Technical Scientific Committee

As interest grows on the hypothesis of reviving the nuclear option in Italy, KEY's Technical Scientific Committee is organizing an event to allow a useful opportunity for discussion on this issue.   The debate will be attended by experts who see the revival of nuclear power as an opportunity to manage an electricity system with a high contribution of renewables, in a context of renewed international attention on this option.
Also present will be representatives of institutions and exponents who criticize from an economic and timing point of view this choice, pointing to other solutions (demand-side governance, interconnections, long-term storage) to manage the rapid growth of solar and wind power expected in 2050.


Elena Comelli, Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore

Francesca Salvemini, Chief of the Technical Secretariat of the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security
Franco Cotana, CEO RSE
Gianni Silvestrini, Chairman of the Technical Scientific Committee of KEY
Giovan Battista Zorzoli, Past President of Coordinamento Free, member of the CTS of Italia Solare
Giuseppe Onufrio, Director Greenpeace Italy
Antonio Nodari, Vice President AFRY Management Consulting 
Alessandro Dodaro, Director, NUClear Department, ENEA