Online Ticket
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 14:00 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Mimosa Room, Pav. B6
  • Italian
  • organized by Legambiente

The National Energy & Climate Plan (PNIEC) and government policies don’t seem to believe in a 100% renewable future, which nevertheless is feasible according to many scenarios. While Commissions ad hoc on false solutions such as nuclear and CCS or extensions of turbines and regassification plants continue to be approved, renewables are increasing too slowly with respect to the targets set by the National Energy & Climate Plan and the Suitable Areas Decree (Decreto Aree Idonee). Precisely thanks to this decree, Italian Regions will be playing an essential role in delivering at least 8 GW of new renewable capacity, but which will be the energy future of our Country torn between obstructing regional and national regulation on the one side and thousands of projects awaiting assessment on the other? Which obstacles should be overcome in order to achieve the targets of renewable development in the next 5 years?   

Session Chairs

Francesco Loiacono, Director La Nuova Ecologia
Katiuscia Eroe, Head of Energy Unit Legambiente


Presentation of the report by Legambiente
The stories that are emblematic of the blockade to renewables and the Observatory of Suitable Areas

Massimiliano Atelli, Chairman of the PNIEC - PNRR Commission 
Simona Brancaccio, Head of the special Department Environmental Assessments of the Campania Region 
Francesca De Falco, Manager of the UOD Energy, energy efficiency and energy saving, Green Economy and Bioeconomy of the Department of Productive Activities of the Campania region
Fabrizio Penna, Head of Department Mission Unit for the PNRR
Attilio Piattelli, Coordinamento Free
Agostino Re Rebaudengo, President of Asja Energy SBRL
Emilio Sani, Italia Solare 
Massimo Satta, Mayor of Buddusò
Simone Togni, Chairman Anev (Italian Wind Energy Association) 
Valentino Vivo, CEO Greenergy

Closing remarks
Stefano Ciafani, Chairman Legambiente

* Speaker to be confirmed