Online Ticket
  • Friday, March 7, 2025
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi 1 Room, South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by ENEA - Energy Efficiency Unit Department

Article 22 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED 2023/1791) requires Member States to activate local one-stop shops (OSS) to promote and facilitate the efficient use of energy by final customers and end-users. The service should provide simplified advice to businesses, micro-enterprises, professionals and private individuals to guide them through the energy transition process in their area. 
The Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD 2024/1275) takes up this concept by directing the activities of one-stop shops towards the energy performance of buildings and defining the requirements for the implementation of these services, making their activation mandatory throughout the territory.  One-stop shops for the energy performance of buildings are considered essential to achieve the objective of a completely decarbonised European building stock by 2050. The aim of the meeting is therefore to discuss with the participants the indications of the directives, to present Italian case studies of one-stop shops already operating and to open a debate to identify the main challenges and opportunities with regard to the Italian implementation of the directive. 
The new national network of one-stop shops EU Peers set up and managed by ENEA and the Piedmont Region in the framework of the EU Peers project ( will also be presented.


Introduction and welcome
Alessandro Federici, ENEA 
Elisa Guiot, Piedmont Region

Implementation of EPBD4 in the new Regional Energy Plan
Giovanna Claudia R. Romano, Emilia-Romagna Region

The EU-PEERS Project: the community of practice to increase the effectiveness of one-stop shops for the renovation of residential buildings in Europe
Patrizia Pistochini, ENEA

Debate on Italian case studies - moderator Silvio De Nigris Regione Piemonte
Piergabriele Andreoli , AESS Modena
Simona Acerbis, ATES Parma
Giovanni Vicentini , Comune di Padova
Andrea Petrina, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Francesca Hugony, ENEA