Online Ticket
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 10:00 - 11:30
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi 1 Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Althesys

The uncertainties of the geopolitical scenario and the crisis of some European could affect on the possibility of achieving the EU's 2030 decarbonization objectives. The impacts on European industry and consumers are increasingly at the center of the debate, shifting attention from environmental benefits to social and economic costs. Despite the growing competitiveness of renewable sources and technological progress, energy prices in many European nations, Italy in the lead, remain high.

Electrification is growing slowly while the need for electric system adequacy requires significant infrastructure investments, particularly in networks and storage. How can European and national policies be reshaped to achieve the objectives while limiting the economic, industrial and social impacts of decarbonization? What strategies can energy companies implement to support investments and at the same time reduce the bill for consumers, both industrial and retail?

Even in Italy, the system costs of the energy transition are at the center of the debate, both political and economic, also with respect to the various measures underway (FER2) or planned (FER-X, MACSE, capacity market, etc.). These are some of the key issues to be addressed with the involvement of all the actors to try to propose win-win solutions that make the transition sustainable.