Exhibition Sectors

Wind Expo for Med

Wind power's contribution and potential for achieving the goals of the European Green Deal, which has the ambitious project of transforming Europe into a climate-neutral society by 2030, finds space in Wind Expo for Med - WEM.

WEM recounts wind power in all its forms: from onshore wind power, which is struggling to run slowed down by the myriad regulatory and authorization difficulties, to offshore with the many unknowns for the future and the many expectations, to the already established mini-wind power and renewable energy community projects starting precisely from wind power.


WEM is realized in cooperation with Anev, an environmental protection association working in the wind energy sector. The association's main objective is to foster and balance the use of wind energy in harmony with the environment by promoting research and technological development to make the best use of wind energy in a rational way. It also engages in the dissemination of accurate information based on evidence.

The heart of WEM

The exhibition area will showcase wind energy in all formsEolico on-shore, off-shore, mini-eolico e progetti di comunità energetiche rinnovabili partendo dall'energia del vento. WEM accoglie produttori, sviluppatori, utilities, gestori di parchi eolici, operatori e investitori.

  • Manufacturers of on-shore and off-shore wind turbines
  • Manufacturers of floating wind technology
  • Energy Component Manufacturers
  • Existing park revamping and repowering solutions
  • O&M, Asset and finance, Developers
  • Utilities
  • Wind farm operators
  • Large players in the electricity market
  • Investors


Exhibition Manager

Christian Previati

Sales Account

Claudia Costella