Exhibition Sectors

Energy Efficiency Expo

A pillar of KEY, EFFI Energy Efficiency Expo is the place for exchange and growth, dedicated to technologies, systems and solutions that support and promote smart use of energy resources.

Transversal to all sectors that are key players in the energy transition, Energy Efficiency Expo is of interest and concern to the industrial sectorenergy-intensive companies that see the energy transition as an investment issue, and again public administrationsprofessionals and the construction sector.

Green Building Council as Main Partner

Green Building Council Italia is a nonprofit association, is part of World GBC, a network present in 70 countries representing the world's largest international organization for the sustainable building market.
Get to know GBC Italy

The heart of EFFI

Energy efficiency and storage in industry and buildings, with technologies and services available to companis to optimise their energy consumption and reduce their carbon footprint.


  • Cogeneration
  • Trigeneration
  • Micro-cogeneration
  • Geothermal energy and heat pumps
  • Digitization and energy management systems
  • ESCOs, EPC contractors
  • Energy trading
  • Financial instruments serving businesses



Involving industries from different commodity sectors, KEY and EFFI are the arena for technology manufacturers, funding providers and industries to meet where they can see, study and test the best practices of those who have already chosen the path of efficiency.


The Public Administration is one of the largest consumers of energy in Italy. Overall, it is in fact subject to annual energy-related expenditures of more than 8.8 billion euros* and its consumption is mostly related to the large building stock it owns, to which are added public lighting, transportation and service facilities such as power plants or for waste treatment.

In view also of the achievement of complete decarbonization of the civil sector by 2050, as indicated by the Long Term Strategy and the Renovation wave, concerted public/private work is needed in which to develop new tools and techniques that enable the optimization of the production and construction phases with the aim of lowering related energy consumption, production costs and costs related to the construction phase. Extensive work where local authorities also play an important role in fostering the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy by companies and citizens in their geographical area. EFFI will be an opportunity to take stock of these issues.

*Source: Consip, January, 2021


Within EFFI - Energy Efficiency, thanks to the partnership with Green Building Council Italia is also the Sustainable Building District.

A new thematic area but also a reference platform for companies, professionals, builders, real estate and public and private stake holders whose priority is sustainable and green design.

An exhibition area in which to meet companies presenting products, services and solutions for sustainable building, which promotes the acceleration of the spread of a culture of sustainable building with the aim of enabling everyone to be able to live in accordance with the needs of man and the environment.

It is the place to raise awareness and receive quality information and training, thanks to an attentive events program, and in parallel it is an opportunity to join a network, a community with the aim to spread the know-how and culture of energy efficiency and circular economy applied to the construction sector.

Media Partners


Exhibition Manager

Christian Previati

Sales Account

Fabio Matteo Rocco