SEC - Solar Exhibition Conference
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06 MARCH | 16:30 - 18:00
Diotallevi 1 Room, South Hall
Legambiente's Renewable and Supportive Energy Communities: focus on BeComE, the campaign in Small Municipalities carried out with Kyoto Club and AzzeroCO2
organized by Kyoto Club and Legambiente
07 MARCH | 12:00 - 13:30
Diotallevi 1 Room, South Hall
Renewable Energy Communities in Italy: results of mapping conducted by RSE
organized by RSE SpA - Energy System Research
07 MARCH | 14:15 - 16:15
Ravezzi 1 Room, South Hall
New ways of managing, sharing and using energy: the Italian path of CERs from the perspective of the ENEA Observatory
organized by ENEA, Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources
07 MARCH | 14:30 - 16:00
Diotallevi 2 Room, South Hall
Concentrating solar thermal power: a flexible technology to support the decarbonization of the Italian energy and industrial sector, between potential and barriers
organized by ENEA - Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources