New ways of managing, sharing and using energy: the Italian path of CERs from the perspective of the ENEA Observatory
- Friday, March 7, 2025
- 14:15 - 16:15
- Memo
- Ravezzi 1 Room, South Hall
- Italian
- organized by ENEA, Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources
The ENEA Observatory for Energy Communities consists of a network of about one hundred public and private participants directly involved in the promotion, development, management and evaluation of Energy Communities (ERCs). They include public administration and institutions, associations, research organizations and universities, energy and ESCo companies, ICT and data management system and platform development companies, experts in the regulatory, legal, legal and administrative framework, and freelancers.
Operating on five thematic tables, it represents a meeting and comparison point to support the development of Energy Communities at the national level. The Observatory examines multidisciplinary aspects, including regulatory developments, enabling technologies, economic-financial aspects, data evaluation, management and operation of ERCs, as well as developing information and communication activities.
Objectives include the promotion of a “national roadmap” for the development of ERCs to support all stakeholders and the drafting of a cahier de doléances, useful for detecting critical issues and submitting corrective or improvement proposals.
The Workshop focuses on relevant aspects in the roadmap for the development and management of ERCs by comparing the experiences of stakeholders.
Session Chair
Nicoletta Gozo, Technology Roll-Out Coordinator, Tools and Services Division for Critical Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Communities, ENEA
Greetings and Work Introduction
CERs and the decarbonization process
Giulia Monteleone, Director, Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources Department, ENEA
The Observatory: activities and objectives
Nicoletta Gozo, ENEA Observatory Coordinator for Energy Communities
Round Table
Paolo Zangheri, Smart Cities and Communities Laboratory, ENEA
Focus: Regulatory and governance aspects
Massimiliano Faini, Production Activities Sector Director, Garda Uno
Amos Giardino, Deputy Vice President CNPI, National Council of Industrial Experts
Focus: Economic-financial aspects
Maria Adele Prosperoni, Head of Environment and Energy Service, Confcooperative
Paolo Benfenati, President WeVèz Soc. Coop
Michelangelo Lamaddalena, Proposal Manager Smart Services, City Green Light
Focus: Aspects related to data acquisition, management and evaluation
Stefano Rotini, CTO & Head of Technical and Regulatory Affairs, Sinapsi
Maurizio Ferraris, Sales Manager, Energy Business Unit, MAPS Group
Leonardo Cavalieri, Marketing and Sales, MAC Srl
Focus: Regional Policies and Communication
Benedetta Brighenti, RENAEL Director
Letizia Zavatti, Emilia-Romagna Region
Sara Capuzzo, President ènostra coop
Stefano Pizzuti, Head of Tools and Services Division for Critical Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Communities, ENEA
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