
Il futuro di tutti noi: Journey to Sicily to discover the energy of the sun and wind', the docufilm tells all aspects of the realisation of wind and agri-voltaic plants; It was made by ENGIE with the production company Visionaria Film. It took almost two years, 35 hours of shooting and 200 hours of post production.

A documentary on renewable energy

"The future for all of us: Journey to Sicily to discover the energy of the sun and wind" is the title of the docufilm produced by Engie in collaboration with the production company Visionaria Film in an exclusive screening on 1 March 2024 from 12:30 - 13:00 at KEY- The Energy Transition Expo 

>> The TV story, lasting about 25 minutes, the result of 35 days of shooting and more than 200 hours dedicated to post-production, has a clear compelling and informative intent on one of the most debated topics of the moment: the development of energy from renewable sources.

The evocative images, together with the testimonies of protagonists and experts of one of the key sectors of the Italian economy, explain from close up all the phases of the realisation of a wind farm and an agri-voltaic park, both built in Sicily, between Marsala and Mazara del Vallo.

The tale
Starting with the need to develop models that are increasingly integrated and respectful of the territories in which they operate, the docufilm goes on to present the Mazara del Vallo agri-voltaic park, the first in Italy in terms of size and installed energy capacity. In addition to generating energy and distributing power to our homes, the 122,000 panels installed on 115 hectares of land help to recreate a perfect microclimate to facilitate agricultural production. In fact, in addition to the capacity of the latest generation plant to capture from the ground, both direct and reflected light, has the extraordinary merit of not interrupting the development of local crops, strengthening the economy of an area that can brilliantly accommodate energy transition projects.

The docufilm, directed by Marcello Bumbica and supported by a team of 33 people, also highlights the special attention paid to safety and the containment of risks in the workplace, which is especially necessary during the delicate operations of installing the wind turbines at height.

"We are proud that our commitment to virtuous acceleration of the energy transition process can reach the homes of citizens. We believe that it is necessary to spread the culture and ethics of sustainability, and we hope that the making of a docufilm can help generate curiosity about the latest innovations and the direction in which ENGIE intends to continue to protect the planet and its inhabitants".

Laura Masi, Communication Brand & Public Relations Director ENGIE Italy

"Making the docufilm was an exceptional adventure that allowed us to collaborate with the ENGIE staff and discover extraordinary people with whom we shared a great deal of work that lasted almost two years and led to the creation of exciting content that is sure to intrigue and interest the public".

Daniele Cantalupo, CEO of Visionaria Film