Simone Togni
Born in Rome on 16.5.1972.
- PhD in Public Law (Diritto Pubblico) at the Law Faculty of Perugia University;
- Research Fellow at the Industrial Engineering Department (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale) of the Perugia University for the project “technical and normative aspects for environmental protection from air pollutants, licenses and environmental certifications for manufacturing facilities” A. A. 2002-2003 e A. A. 2003-2004;
- Degree in Law at Sapienza University of Rome;
- Senior high school focusing on humanities leaving qualification at Seminario Romano Minore “Vittorio Bachelet”.
- President of ANEV – Associazione Nazionale Energia del Vento – (Italian Wind Energy Association) since 2011, of which he was general secretary from 2003 to 2010;
- Head of Institutional Relations and Business of the IVPC Group (Italian Vento Power Corporation), leader company in Italy on development, management and production of renewable wind energy;
- Member, as expert, of the Energy Commission of CONFINDUSTRIA;
- Member of the Executive Council of CONFINDUSTRIA ENERGIA, the federation of the energy section associations of Confindustria;
- Member of the Executive Council of ISES Italia, the Italian Section of the International Solar Energy Society, of which he was Vice President;
- Member of the Presidential Committee of the “Sviluppo Sostenibile” (Sustainable Development) Foundation, for promoting green economy in Italy;
- Member of the Scientific Committee of Ecomondo-KeyEnergy from 2007;
- Member of many Standing Committees and advisory bodies of the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection, as well as of the Ministry of Economic Development, Electric Energy Authority, and other agencies and authorities for Renewable Energy Sources;
- He worked for METROPOLIS S.p.A., company of the “ Ferrovie dello Stato” S.p.A.;
- He has provided legal assistance for the planning of energy facilities to National energy industrial companies;
- Lecturer, as expert in RES (Renewable Energy Sources) and environmental issues, in numerous University Masters, Workshops and Academic Conferences;
- Author of numerous articles and publications on legal issues, environment and energy