Scientific Committee

Aiel General Director


I am graduated in Forestry and Environmental Sciences at the University of Padua in 2003 with a thesis on the national market of wood pellets for energy use. Since then, I have always been involved in the responsible enhancement of woody biomass for heat energy purposes, a sector in which I still work as General Director at AIEL, Italian Agroforestry Energy Association.


In my long experience I have been extensively involved in the quality certification of the wood fuels and the heat generators, starting from Pellet Gold ®, the first national standard for certifying the quality of pellets, to ENplus® and ariaPulita®, participating in the drafting of the standards, handling their translation and managing public consultation processes related to the development and revision of the regulatory and legislative framework.


I have always been involved in energy policies in the renewable energy sector and policies related to the management of forest resources, both at national and European level. For many years I was Member of the Board of Directors of Bioenergy Europe and I was vice-president of the European Pellet Council.