Scientific Committee

From 1995 to December 2007 director general of Legambiente.


From 2006 to 2013 Senator of the Democratic Party, member of the Environment, Territory and Environmental Heritage Commission. 


Since 2009 vice-president of Kyoto Club, the 'nonprofit organization made up of businesses, organizations, associations and local governments, active in all fields of the green economy.


Among the founding members of Symbola - the Foundation for Italian Quality; in 2012 he promoted and is now the Vice President of the FREE Coordination - Renewable Sources and Energy Efficiency, which brings together more than 20 of the main business associations in that sector; since its inception, among the experts of the Foundation for Sustainable Development; since March 2017 member of the Technical Scientific Committee of NeXt (New Economy X All), the network of organizations promoting a more sustainable New Economy.


Contributed to various publishing initiatives and edited numerous studies and dossiers on environmental issues including renewable energy development, energy efficiency, circular economy, chemistry in agriculture, air pollution, hydrogeological disruption, green chemistry.