Scientific Committee

A graduate in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Bologna, he completed his education by obtaining Postgraduate Degrees in ‘Fleet Manager: Development of Managerial Capabilities’ from the University of Bologna and of “Competent Technician in Acoustics” from the University of Ferrara, the MASGE Master's Degree in “Energy Management Systems and Expert in Energy Management” from ISTUM (Institute of Management Studies) and in ’DEVELOPMENT, INNOVATION AND CHANGE, INNOVATION AND CHANGE of the SDIC (School of Development, Innovation and Change) School of Specialisation of the University of Bologna, the European Certificate of ‘Urban Transport Professional’ of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Transport and Energy, and that of ‘Energy Certifier in Construction’ of ASSFORM.


As a Researcher and Consulting Engineer at the D.I.E.N.C.A. (Department of Energy, Nuclear and Environmental Control Engineering) of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bologna, he has drafted and coordinated numerous studies, projects and scientific publications on heat exchange methods for heat exchangers for purely industrial use and the use of Renewable Energy Sources applied to buildings.


As an employee of the Emilia-Romagna Region Holder of High Qualification in ‘DEVELOPMENT OF RENEWABLE ENERGY AND BIOECONOMY’ of the Sustainable Agriculture Area:

- oversees EU, national and regional regulations concerning the development of renewable energies related to the agricultural sector, as well as the implementation of strategies for the sustainable bio-economy, the use and re-use of biomass and organic matrices in the agri-food and bio-based industry sectors

- supports agroforestry activities to combat climate change, implement carbon neutrality policy and the circular economy, including the valorisation of organic waste and by-products, also through the application of digital agriculture technologies

- collaborates in the definition of regional standards and supports the implementation of regional policies on the development of renewable energy in agriculture and the development of renewable energy communities;

- it takes care of database consultation activities and the extraction of data and reports to support preliminary investigations concerning the installation of photovoltaic systems in agricultural areas affected by certified cultivation and any other assessment of the areas covered.


He drafted, implemented and managed the Corporate Mobility Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region as Head of the Organisational Position ‘Mobility Management Actions, Sustainable Urban Mobility and Cycledestrian Mobility’, Winner of the Special Award for Innovation in the National Mobility Manager Competition held in 2005 by the National Association of Mobility Managers Euromobility with the patronage of Apat, the Agency for the Protection of the Environment and Technical Services, awarded due to the level of excellence achieved in the technical contents and methodological procedures elaborated in the Corporate Mobility Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region.


He has acted as Coordinator, Designer, Project Manager and Lead Partner of the ITACA Project (Innovative Transport Approach in Cities and metropolitan Areas), relating to Sub-theme 4.1: Sustainable low-carbon transport in urban areas of the Interregional Programme Power-Interreg IVC, as Technical-Scientific Manager and Project Manager, representing the Emilia-Romagna Region, of the European Project I.M.O.S.M.I.D., within the European Programme LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance and as Regional Expert of the Sustainable Transport theme and Member of the ‘Steering Committee’ of the European Project of territorial cooperation POWER, INTERREG IV C.


He is the author of numerous national and international publications, volumes, printed publications and conference proceedings, as well as Lecturer and Speaker at Conferences, Seminars, and member of scientific committees, evaluation panels, working groups, professional bodies, commissions, and expert registers.


He has been appointed by the European Commission as Member of the Pool of Experts Evaluators of the H2020 European Innovation Council (EIC) and subsequently held the positions of Rapporteur and Expert of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME), in charge of evaluating project proposals for the Horizon 2020 Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) Innovation Action Program 2018, 2019 and 2020, a unique collector of close-to-market instruments, specifically dedicated to companies, start-ups and researchers, aiming to transfer research results to the market: SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation (FTI), FET Open, Prizes.