Online Ticket
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 10:00 - 11:00
  • Memo
  • Main Stage - Cupola Lorenzo Cagnoni, Hall Sud
  • Italian
  • organized by KEY - The Energy Transition Expo e QualEnergia Science

QualEnergia Science debuting at KEY - The Energy Transition Expo aims to connect the world of research with industry and institutions in the challenge of energy transition. It is a scientific spin-off of QualEnergia magazine, which was created to promote debate on innovations in the sector, offering high-level scientific research on renewables, efficiency and sustainability. The Call for Papers launched by KEY - The Energy Transition Expo for the magazine was a great success, with 89 submissions received and 28 studies selected on key topics such as offshore wind, hydrogen, digitization and sustainable finance and many others. The magazine will be distributed at the expo and searchable online, providing a unique opportunity for updates and discussion. It is a project of La Nuova Ecologia and Italian Exhibition Group (IEG), with contributions from experts in the field, and aims to be a scientific reference point to accompany the energy transition.


Conducted and moderated by
Elena Comelli, Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore

Giorgio Graditi, Director General ENEA - National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
G.B. Zorzoli, Past President Coordination Free
Franco Cotana, President RSE - Research on the Energy System
Letizia Magaldi, Kyoto Club
Attilio Piattelli, President Coordinamento Free
IEG Representative *

Volume presentation
Sergio Ferraris, Scientific Journalist, Director QualEnergia
Luca Biamonte, Director of External Relations and Editorial Communication Nuova Ecologia