Plug&Play devices and innovative energy storage systems: shared energy becomes smart and accessible to all
- Friday, March 7, 2025
- 10:00 - 11:30
- Memo
- Tulipano Room, B6 Pav.
- Italian
- organized by Tecnopolo Rimini e Tecnopolo CNR Bologna
Welcome and opening remarks
Marco Ardoino, TECNOPOLO CNR Bologna
Lorenzo Succi, TECNOPOLO Rimini
FlashTube Plug&Play: the electric composter that powers the home
Leonardo Setti, TECNOPOLO of Rimini
FlashPlan and FlashBattery: the Plug&Play device revolution for the Solar City
Marinella Michelato, Solar Info Community (SIC)
Sustainable batteries and future prospects of storage for Plug&Play systems
Francesca De Giorgio, CNR-ISMN, Bologna, Italy
Roundtable Discussion
The future of Plug&Play devices in the energy market
Marco Ardoino, TECNOPOLO CNR, Bologna
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