  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 12:15 - 13:15
  • Memo
  • Diotallevi 2 Room, South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by RWE, Renewables Italy

The growth of renewables in Italy over the past quarter century has been characterized by several stop-and-goes that have undermined the path to achieving our 2030 decarbonization target. Is it possible to learn from the mistakes, but also from the right insights-often in fact taken up by other major European countries-in the past to restart the path of renewable growth? What to add and - with an often uncommon approach - what to take away to make the Italian regulatory framework adequate to close the gap of more than 50 GW that separates us from the next 2030 target?
During the conference, organized by RWE Renewables Italia, an attempt will be made to answer these questions with the support of a study carried out by the Politecnico di Milano, which analytically analyzes the correlation between the past growth of renewables - in Italy and in the main European countries - and the evolution of policies for the energy transition, providing the cue for participants to debate the robustness of the measures adopted to date and the opportunities for improvement.


Presentation of the study: “L’impatto della normativa sulla crescita delle rinnovabili in Italia ed Europa: lezioni dagli errori e dalle giuste intuizioni del passato
Davide Chiaroni, Co-Founder Energy & Strategy - Politecnico di Milano

Round Table


Marco Mazzi, Head of Regulatory Affairs RWE Renewables Italia

Ludovica Nigiotti, Responsabile dello Sviluppo Italia e Spagna RWE Renewables
Luciano Barra, Esperto settore energetico
Fabio Bulgarelli, Responsabile Affari regolatori TERNA
Daria Buonfiglio, Legal Counsel and Head of Strategic Marketing & Communications di Green Horse Advisory
Gervasio Ciaccia, Responsabile Unità Generazione e Assetti per la Transizione Energetica ARERA 
Alessandro Noce, Direzione generale mercati e infrastrutture energetiche, Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica *
Simone Togni, Presidente ANEV
Davide Valenzano, Responsabile Affari regolatori GSE
Paolo Viscontini, Presidente Italia Solare

Followed by Light Lunch

* Invited speaker, pending confirmation