  • Friday, March 7, 2025
  • 14:30 - 16:00
  • Memo
  • Ravezzi 2 Room, South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by Kyoto Club

Long-duration storage systems allow energy storage for extended periods, from hours to days, weeks or months, and also to supply electricity or heat for over eight hours. They can have different forms, electrochemical, thermal, mechanical or chemical, according to the technology used. The energy transition requires additional energy integrations, in order to meet users’ needs. 
Flexible and long-duration energy storage solutions make it possible to answer this question and achieve carbon neutrality.

Session Chair
Angela Pagano


Introduction and welcome

Letizia Magaldi, Kyoto Club President
Gianni Silvestrini, Kyoto Club Scientific Director

Guido Bortoni, CESI President
Nicola Rossi, Enel Group Head of Innovation

Antonio Zingales, Member of the Board of Directors SAET-UNIPD
TERNA speaker*

Discussion and closing

* Invited speaker, pending confirmation