  • Wednesday, March 5, 2025
  • 16:00 - 18:00
  • Memo
  • Mimosa Room, Pav. B6
  • Italian
  • organized by ENEA - Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources in collaboration with Ecomondo

After introducing the European regulatory framework on the decarbonization of the transport sector in the medium and long term, the session will give space to the views of manufacturers and operators in those sectors for which the technological solutions to be relied on to achieve the EU energy transition goals are less delineated and more controversial. Typically, this is the case for medium- and long-distance heavy road transport, maritime transport, and air transport.

Session Chair

Maria Pia Valentini, ENEA


Introduction and welcome 
Maria Pia Valentini, ENEA

Hard-to-abate transport and the European Green Deal
Maria Lelli, ENEA - Laboratory of “Sustainable Mobility and Transport”

Development of national hydrogen mobility: ongoing projects and critical issues
Cristina Maggi, H2IT

Multi-carrier energy fleets in Public Transport: another revolutionary transition
Paolo Rapinesi, Autoguidovie S.p.A

The challenges of long-distance freight transport in the energy transition
Marco Aimo Boot, IVECO S.p.A.

Solutions for increasingly sustainable rail transport  
Valter Alessandria, Business Development & Public Affair Director, Alstom

Technological strategies for the decarbonization of maritime transport: the W2F case
Paolo Guglia, Fincantieri S.p.A. and CTS Ecomondo

Discussion and Closure 
Maria Pia Valentini, ENEA