Online Ticket
  • Thursday, March 6, 2025
  • 14:00 - 15:30
  • Memo
  • Hydrogen Arena, Pav. B3
  • Italian
  • organized by ENEA - Department of Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources

The sustainability of energy technologies is crucial for shaping energy policies that support the transition to a zero-emission energy system. Defining criteria and methods to assess environmental, economic, and social impacts and applying them to technological development is essential. This session begins by showcasing ENEA's ongoing activities at the European level concerning the sustainability of renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBO). Following this, two key speakers will address the social dimensions of the energy transition and the current European policy framework for RFNBO. The session concludes with a panel discussion on the sustainability of RFNBOs, featuring perspectives from legislators, researchers, and industry representatives on recent policy developments and measures to enable the large-scale deployment of hydrogen and other non-biological energy carriers.

Section Chairs
Alessandro Agostini, ENEA
Giuseppe Pellegrini Masini (ENEA)


Introduction and welcome

EU projects pitches

Biomethaverse: innovative synthetic methane production pathways in biogas plants

Stefano Proietti, ISINNOVA

HyPEF: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Product Environmental Footprints
Alessandra Zamagni, Ecoinnovazione

NHyRA: hydrogen emission
Matteo Robino, SNAM

AMIGDALA: EU pathways for circular, climate neutral and competitive industries
Livio De Chicchis, ENEA SISTEN

Key speeches

RNFBO in EU legislation
Marco Buffi, European Commission, JRC

The social dimensions of the energy transition
Dario Padovan, Università di Torino

Round Table

Discussion and Closure