Energy Efficiency, Sports World as an engine of transition
- Thursday, March 6, 2025
- 10:00 - 11:30
- Memo
- Future Arena, Pav. D5
- Italian
- organized by Federesco - National Federation of ESCos
To raise awareness of the sector in view of the large investment that Italy is preparing regarding sports facilities, which were severely affected last year by the crisis and on which efficiency interventions are needed that would ensure reduction of costs in bills, energy savings and renewable energy production if there were spaces made available.
Federesco, together with sector operators, therefore aims to fuel the discussion and reason about possible solutions for the benefit of professionals, Public Administration and companies to encourage investments aimed at energy efficiency and make the sector become a driver for the issue.
Session Chair
Claudio Ferrari, President of Federesco
Introduction and welcome
Claudio G. Ferrari, President of Federesco
The sports world and the challenge of decarbonization
Diego Nepi Molineris, CEO of Sport & Salute The energy situation in Italy
The GSE for sport
Paolo Arrigoni, GSE President
The CERs serving sports facilities - The SUN4U project
Patrick Maurelli, European Projects Manager - Federesco
The Italian energy situation
Antonio Pezzini, European Economic and Social Committee
Sports facilities in Italy, a powerful tool for transition
Ezio Ferrari, President AIS - Sports Facilities Association
Maximizing energy efficiency, the financial aspects to support it
Deborah Miccio, Head of Commercial and Marketing Direction, Istituto per il Credito Sportivo e Culturale
- EFFI - Energy Efficiency
- On-site & on-demand event