  • Thursday, February 29, 2024
  • 14:00 - 17:00
  • Memo
  • Ravezzi Room South Hall
  • Italian
  • organized by RES4 Africa Foundation

Session 1: North Africa and Middle East

Africa's most pressing priority is its imperative for sustainable socio-economic development. African countries have an urgent and immense need to accelerate economic growth, develop multiple infrastructures, create jobs, and expand access to services in order to improve livelihoods across the continent.
Africa’s demand for energy will increase rapidly in the near future: clean energy production and electrification will play a central role in delivering that demand and all efforts directed to support the development of such infrastructures in Africa align with strategies meant to support Africa’s socio-economic growth - especially from clean energy sources.
To overcome the continent’s key energy challenges, long term action on three priority areas will be needed to deliver sustainable electrification in Africa. Any scenario will require to:

  • Reach quickly universal access to reliable and competitive modern energy,
  • Invest in climate resilient and compatible modern power infrastructure, both on generation side and in transmission and distribution,
  • Support green industrialization policy strategy taking into account the role of local human capital growth and of critical minerals resources.

The two days event will underline the key priorities to be addressed and the key challenges to be faced in the field of renewable energy solutions, infrastructures, storage systems, hydrogen and digitalization.


14:00-14.30        Registration

14:30-15:15        OPENING REMARKS
Gianni Silvestrini, President of Scientific Committee KEY ENERGY
Roberto Vigotti, Secretary General Res4Africa

Mohammed Ouhmed, Director of the Directorate of Renewable and Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development

KEYNOTE SPEECHES -The Electrification of Africa
Roberto Vigotti, Secretary General Res4Africa
Darlain Edeme, Africa Energy Specialist IEA

15:15 – 16.30     PANEL - The future of Power Infrastructure in North Africa and Middle East

Moderator: Andrea Bombardi, EVP RINA

Faysal Tarifa, CEO STEG
Sabah Mashali, CEO and Managing Director Egyptian Electricity Transmission EETC*
Jauad El Kharraz Director RCREEE Center of Arab League Cairo
Guido Guida, Head of International Institutional Affairs TERNA*
Salvatore Bernabei, CEO ENEL GREEN POWER
Massimo Benedetti, CEO Advisory PwCPaolo Perani, Sustainability Manager ELDS Division ABB

* Invited speaker TBC

  • Africa
  • On-site & live streaming event