Will we gather around a fire or an outcry?
- Thursday, February 29, 2024
- 11:30 - 13:00
- Memo
- Tulipano Room B6 Pav.
- Italian
- organized by DBA Group S.p.A
A conversation based on science and conscience in relation to the present and a potential and sustainable future, leading to a circular, decarbonised and regenerative green economy, through the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), the European Green New Deal, the energy transition and the ecological transition.
The following speakers will engage in a round table debate:
Edo Ronchi
President of the Foundation for Sustainable Development
" Costs and Benefits of the Transition into the Economy of Tomorrow"
Prof. Andrea Lanzini
Full Professor of Industrial Technical Physics at the 'Galileo Ferraris' Energy Department and Energy Centre of the Politecnico University of Turin, and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Forum of Energy Communities (IFEC).
Transition and the Energy Revolution: from a centralised grid to a smart grid integrated with distributed generation, across Renewable Energy Communities and Multi Energy System paradigms.
Prof. Michela Vellini
Full Professor ING-IND/09 Energy and Environmental Systems at the Tor Vergata University of Rome.
“Energy vectors: from hydrogen to biomethane and synthetic methane towards Climate Neutrality”.
Prof. Carlo Doglioni
President of the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology
“Geothermal energy as a sustainable energy resource”.
Ing. Angelo Artuso
COO of the Energy, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Division of DBA PRO. S.p.A.
"Renewable Energy Communities and Climate Neutral Energy Carriers: a Gate and a Tool for the Evolution of cities and territories towards the Climate Neutral Smart City Smart Land"
Pierluigi Svaluto Moreolo
Journalist and Anchorman of DBA Group S.p.A. and Dolomiti Life
Ing. Francesco De Bettin
Co-founder and Chairman of DBA Group S.p.A.
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