  • Thursday, February 29, 2024
  • 16:30 - 18:00
  • Memo
  • City&Mobility Arena C1 Pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Kyoto Club, Motus-E, KEY Scientific Technical Committee in collaboration with Ecomondo

The event will focus on the current European regulatory context about the electrification of commercial vehicles and its implementation in Italy, with specific reference to the AFIR Regulation for charging infrastructures. The ZET Italia (Zero Emission Trucks Italy) will present its analysis, jointly elaborated with MOTUS-E, Italy’s electric mobility alliance, on the development scenarios for electric goods vehicles and the necessary increase of available charging infrastructures. Representatives of logistics and transport companies, institutions, road and electric networks’ bodies will contribute to the discussion.

Anna Donati, Kyoto Club – ZET Italia
Francesco Naso, MOTUS-E


Introduction and welcome
Anna Donati, Kyoto Club – ZET Italia
Francesco Naso, MOTUS-E

Analysis of the European context and the legislation for the electrification of goods
Raphael Héliot, Policy manager di AVERE

The decarbonisation of vans and trucks for goods transport and urban logistics in cities

Anna Donati, Coordinator – ZET Italia, Kyoto Club

Margherita Palladino, Responsabile Relazioni Istituzionali di ANITA
Massimo Marciani, Presidente e Fondatore FIT Consulting
Alessandro Peron, Segretario Generale di FIAP
Antonella Galdi, Vicesegretaria ANCI

Development scenarios for electric goods vehicles and the increase of necessary charging infrastructures
Francesco Naso, Secretary-general – MOTUS-E

Rappresentante di ANAS *
Antonio Bonvento, Grid Development Strategy and Dispatching  di Terna
Rappresentante del MASE *
Stefano Catolino, Freeto-X
Enrico Finocchi, Presidente Albo autotrasporto MIT*

* Speaker invited to be confirmed