CHECKMATE FOR RENEWABLES 2024. Where do we stand on renewables development and meeting climate goals? What blockages are still preventing the development of these technologies?
- Thursday, February 29, 2024
- 14:00 - 15:30
- Memo
- Mimosa Room Pav. B6
- Italian
- organized by Legambiente
In the face of increasingly evident extreme events, social and energy crises, increasing dependence on fossil fuels, and international agreements, the development of renewables becomes a priority and unavoidable.
Yet, while the Gola Thundra is being approved in 6 months, clean technologies are struggling to get off the ground, with insufficient simplifications, national and local regulatory hurdles, and thousands of projects awaiting evaluations that are putting businesses in trouble and costing jobs.
What obstacles still need to be overcome to reach 90 GW of renewables by 2030?
The meeting will be an opportunity not only to bring together the various stakeholders in the sector, but above all to take stock of the critical issues to be addressed and possible solutions to be put in place to accelerate the energy transition.
Session chairs
Giulia Assogna, The New Ecology
Katiuscia Eroe, Legambiente energy manager
Legambiente Report Presentation. CHECKMATE FOR RENEWABLES 2024.
The symbolic stories of the blockade on renewables
Massimiliano Atelli, president of the Via Vas Commission
Agostino Re Rebaudengo, president of Elettricità Futura
Simone Togni, president of Anev
Emilio Sani, Italia Solare
Andrea Porchera, Renexia
Attilio Piattelli, Coordinamento Free
Marco Guarneroli, CEO of Vector Renewables
Stefano Scazzola - Head of Renewable Energies Development ENGIE Italy
Stefano Ciafani, President of Legambiente
- Considerations on Energetic Strategies
- On-site & on-demand event